Friday, November 5, 2010

Competitive Haiku

Hello and welcome
Below is competitive
Haiku, it's awesome

Amanda set theme
Anna and Matt scribbled good
Anna won, me cry.

Now you chose me please
I am poem (a), she (b)
Vote for me or else.

Poem 1 - Theme: Elephant.

Inner city dung
Elephants having no fun
No sadder song sung.

Slippery water
Scales eyes fangs circulating
Not an elephant.

Poem 2 - Theme: Serenity.

Serenity, bam!
Clanging banging boom-boxing
No space for silence.

Jigging in the barn
Check shirts hayseed hoedown ho
Serenity blues.

Poem 3 - Theme: Curious

Curious pussy
Suffering from the V.D
Discovery blows.

Ours called curious
Snowy morning jandals lawn
What is your hen called?

Poem 4 - Theme: Egg-pan

Little cute egg pan
Innocently killing youth
Death tastes good today.

Stop walking on shells
Pick me up, stop tentative
Crack me in your pan.

Poem 5 - Theme: Time

Universal beat
Is it? Isn't it? Is it?
Einstein's conundrum.

Never there on time
Running playing, should be there

Bonus Lurid Poem - Theme: Poos

Shit Bell ring-a-ding
Achtung, out of the water
Skids on ocean sands.

Like the rapping world, poem-battles often end in shoot-outs.

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