Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson

Ode to Michael

Oh Michael
You man-boy you
With your man-boy love
And your man-boy voice

I share your white pain
Only my vitiligo doesn't hurt
And as long as I don't tan
I'm ok

Somebody should have handed you a mirror
You needed to take a look at yourself
It might have told you
Poor boy you're bound to die

But we are all bound to die Michael
Neverland never was forever
You simply purchased too much antique shit

When I was a little boy you would have liked me
I made up a finger game
When I pulled my friends little finger
They went 'Ow', just like you

I also wrote a play
It was called, The Rock and Roll Band*
I starred as you and sang Beat It
Huh... I've never been as in to you as I was then

I just had a little puke
But don't take it the wrong way
You're still somebody's hero
Just not mine

At least,
Not anymore
Coz, well...
My heroes are alive

Mel Gibson and Optimus Prime are alive.

* The Rock and Roll Band
By Matthew

The characters in the play are:

Rokenrolli Nicholas
Tom Cruise Tom
Michael Jackson Matthew
Reader Alison
Jason Donovan Glen

Reader: One day Rock and Roll Band were practicing for their next concert that was in two days time.

Jason: That's enough.
Reader: Ring ring ring
Tom: Hey dudes, wow.
Roken: Hi dude. Wow. Guys we're going to Hollywood.
Reader: They went to Dunedin Airport in a limousine.
Tom: This is choice!
Reader: They stopped at the airport and got out.
Michael: Get our luggage.

Reader: They arrived at the airport at Hollywood. They got on stage.
Tom: Here is a song called Beat It

Michael sings Beat It: "Beat it, beat it. Get a car and beat it. It doesn't matter just as long as you're there so beat it, beat it, get a car and beat it yeah"

Reader: When they had finished they signed some autographs. They got in their limousine. They went to the hotel.

The End.

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