Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sorry Mr Anderson

The setting:
It's seventh form (the last year of highschool), English class and we are studying King Lear.

The teacher:
Mr Anderson, mild, hearing impaired and memorable (evidently).

The question:
"Matthew, how do you explain The Fool's final line, 'And I'll to bed at noon'?"

The response:
"Mr Anderson, Bichon Frise. Glazed upon my window." And to this Mr Anderson nodded and said, "Yes that's good, does anyone have anything else to add?" To which Mr Anderson was met by a muffled silence (perhaps not unlike that which he heard when I spoke my response).

The apology:
Mr Anderson, I'm sorry. I mocked your hearing loss that day. Instead of a studious answer, I gave you my thoughts on a small breed of dog similar in appearance to, but larger than, the Maltese. I did so knowing that you would not hear me properly and with intention to cause laughter amongst the classroom at your expense. I apologise for this act of disrespect.

The poem:
Irrespective of my intentions that day, a landmark poem was created and here it is for you one more time (and this time with graphic).

Bichon Frise.
Upon my Window.

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