Thursday, October 22, 2009

Guest Poet

Anna Chinn is the Otago Daily Times most widely read blogger. It is possible that even people as far away as Waitati and Brockville will have heard of her.

In the past Anna and I have collaborated on a poem about a bush tick, see (and forgive the minor spelling error); and now in glorious google weblog format, Anna's raptastic contribution to marital dispute resolution, and this blog's first guest post:

Don't Have a Domestic - Have a Rap Battle!

Wife: Cook me some eggs, Matt, cook me some eggs! Next time you leave it this late I gon' hide away my legs!

Husband: My name is Matthew Man, I turned 16 in Japan, but now I'm 26 and you're gettin on my tits.

Wife: Did you just call me a bitch?

Husband: No I did not call you a bitch.

Wife: I was not paying attention - reading 'Weddings' '96.

Husband: Hold up, hold up, I'm a finish my rhyme. If you do not let me spit it I will not clean out the grime.

Wife: Word, dawggy-dawg, shit, you know I gotcha back, I'm a letchoo get along here with this dis rap battle attack.

Husband: My name is Matthew Man, I turned 16 in Japan, if you do not do the dishes I will not fry you da pan!

Rub-a-dub, hub, you have got some misplaced beef! I already did the dishes, you will always be my chief. Rapmanda must sign off now, though I really hate to taper, but the real deal is that we runnin' outta paper.

ODT Blogger, Anna Chinn

Not really a poem

Prelude: I'm a little anxious about getting rabies. It used to be that saying "no" was enough to prevent it, now I think I need to say "no" in more languages than one and combine a range of strategies. This is not really a poem, it's more something I just need to declare to the world (or at least to the two people who read my blog) - it brings me a little calm in the face of a fatal infection of the brain.

Say "no" to rabies
Sige "nej" til rabies

sabihin ng "hindi" sa rabis
zeg "nee" tegen hondsdolheid

dire "no" alla rabbia
Or as we say in Italian, "mai dire "no" a fare l'amore dolce"

Combine hard-core preventative strategies:

Be copius with soap
Do not trust anyone
Ask yourself, 'Have I seen Dave Seville lately?'
No, I don't think you have
Chipmunks have rabies too you know.

This dog possibly has rabies.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Excuse my language.

Fuck* man.
That's right.

I got crazy
spinning thoughts
I got crazy
plastic forks

I got a
two flush toilet
and a tin of boiled pork.

Duck man.
He can fight.

He got crazy
kung fu feet
He got tender
breast meat

He got a
scar from Vietnam
and intolerance to wheat.

Lady man.
What a sight.

She got crazy
lady bits
She got crazy
man tits

She got a
dental bill from Georgia
and some underwear that fits.

Man man.
He just might.

He's a man
who don't rhyme
all he ever says is
... ... cunt*.

The Fantastic Four.

*(Sorry about the foul language mum.)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I is for Ike Turner, a lover of curries

N is for Nehru Nehru a kind of potato

D is for Diana, how I wish she were alive

I is for Ivana Tinkle, although actually I don't

A is for Apu.