Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh my blog!

Oh my blog
My blog
Oh my...

It was Worzel Gummidge who said
Advance - to the land of swedes!
Could as easily have been manglebeets and turnips.

So how does my garden grow?
Nitrogen deficient and stoney
The birds eating my lettuce.

I'm still a gas guzzler
Still throwing out non recyclable plastics
I wear a green jersey.

An occasional tweet on twatter
Checking my web statistics

Titanium with a 3mill gold inlay
And a girl beside me with two rings
Lately Ross is our favourite friend.

And I nearly forgot
Mildly allergic
At least to stings on the head.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pussies. Pure and Simple.

a herd of rampaging hippopotapussies
in historic times would have been brontosauramapussies
either way
both have trouble with tin openers, wire cutters, hair straightners
and other
god is laughing

(There's three of them, so yes the correct plural form would be Pygmy Marmosepussies)